Let’s talk about Sleep!
This is a process of Collaboration project with Philips in IXD Studio (Instructor : Austin Lee)
3 min readSep 7, 2016
Types of Sleep Disorder
- Insomnia, the inability to get to sleep or sleep well at night, is the most common type of sleep disorder.
- Circadian Rhythms. We all have an internal biological clock that regulates our 24-hour sleep-wake cycle, also known as our circadian rhythms. Circadian rhythms have been linked to a variety or sleeping problems and sleep disorders, including insomnia, jet lag, and shift work sleep difficulties.
- And there is sleep apnea which includes frequent pauses in breathing during sleep, Loud, chronic snoring and so on.
Types of family sleep context
Family members would wish to
- Avoid disturbance(annoyance) from other family member,
- Manage (Monitor) other family member’s healthy/unhealthy sleep pattern,
- have unconventional but pleasure sleep experience.
Types of family
- Parents with newborn: Parents with newborn need to be alert against unexpected newborn’s being awakened during their sleep since newborn babies are sensitive to every environment they are in and to themselves thus require continuous care.
- Family with sensitive pet(s): People living with pets, especially dogs, would have experienced at least once that they are bothered their sleep and awakened by their dogs. Or they must have been curious about what their dogs are doing during their sleeping. A dog, probably, could be in an uneasy state thus mess up parts of home when its owner is unaware of happening.
- Couple/Roommate working at different time (Shift worker): If a couple living together but doesn’t share same sleep pattern -a typical example of this issue concerns with shift work- , it would be hard to get healthy sleep for both. Each of them need to concentrate on his/her sleep and not to bother the other’s sleep.
- Typical family: If there is a family member who has chronic illness which is not only related to sleep but also personal, the rest of members would wish to know what happens to him/her and check, manage, and monitor his/her health states.
Brainstorming (0905)
Brainstorming 2 (0907)
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